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Bulgaria: Information and Consultation – Your Labour Rights

This is an informational video created for the purposes of the National Campaign on Information and Consultation called “Be Info” organised by the CITUB in partnership with the employers’ organisation Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA). The realisation of this campaign was directly connected to Directive 2002/14/ЕC establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees.

The purpose of the campaign was to reach at least 20,000 workers and employees from a minimum of 200 enterprises and establishments with more than 50 employees from all over Bulgaria. The campaign included meetings and discussions on the issues of information and consultation at the workplace. It explained why it is important to introduce the information and consultation system at the workplace and how workers and employees can take advantage of these basic rights for European workers and employees. The video was shown at the meetings.

In a clear and consistent way, the video explains the following: what it means to be informed and consulted; where this right ensues from; why a worker should be informed and consulted; how workers can participate in the process; who can represent them; how the information and consultation representatives are elected; and what workers’ rights and responsibilities are.

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