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Fighting in Peru for a transition to social and environmental sustainability

Peruvian unions CATP, CUT and CGTP have teamed up to work with Sustainlabour in understanding environmental and labor challenges facing the country and strengthen their capacity for proposals that combine solutions on both fronts .

This year is a good time to raise sostenibildiad policies in the country since Peru will be the host of the next climate change summit, COP 20. Unions are coordinating with NGOs and social movements to push for the best results at the summit, but also to use the opportunity as a national turning point, setting the stage for true sustainability.

Peru economic indicators today show high economic growth, with average growth in the last 15 years close to 6%, but results fail miserably in two important areas: environmental policies to reduce the high impact of extractive industries, and emploment policies to create decent jobs, this is country with one of the highest rates of informality (75 %) and lack of respect to labour rights in the region. Sectors involved are mining, fishing, water management, agriculture and forestry and energy.

Extractive activities generate numerous social problems, pressure on indigenous peoples and communities and impacts on health and the environment. Workers from these and other sectors are working together to transform them into greener, more decent occupationally, more transparent and better monitor for compliance of labor and environmental regulations.

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