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Quebec, Canada - CSN: Industrial Policy

In Quebec, as in other parts of the developed world, the manufacturing sector has met with great difficulties over the last ten years. A number of economic decision-makers and actors have come to realise the importance of having a strong manufacturing base and greening the economy. The Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN) has always considered it essential that workers take part in shaping the vision on the future of this sector and ensuring that a more egalitarian, democratic and ecological approach is taken to development. Research by the CSN into this issue shows that the performance of the manufacturing sector remains crucial to the performance of the economy as a whole. The CSN believes that governments should assume their responsibilities regarding industrial development and propose proactive policies and strategies.

Read the document: The future of Quebec’s manufacturing and industrial sector - Promoting sustainable development through structured intervention

Lire le document: Avenir du secteur manufacturier et industriel québécois Pour un développement durable : une intervention structurée
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